Herrar B against the leading team, Rig Falköping

Lunds VK B – Rig Falköping B 2 – 3 (18-25, 25-18, 23-25, 25-20, 11-15)

Last Saturday Herrar B had to face the leader in Division 1 Södra, Rig Falköping. We were in a comfortable third place, so both Lund and Rig were ready for a high-level and tense game in the top of Division 1.
We had a very good winning streak going and were determined to at least keep some (and hopefully all of the) points in Lund. Unfortunately in the first set it became clear why Rig Falköping was in the lead in Division 1, because they played RIGtigt (Swedish pun, check….) bra. With really good serves, they managed to win the first set 18-25.
With no more nerves from the first set and even more determination to play our best volleyball, we entered the second set. Klas had an amazing serve and managed to give us a big lead in the beginning of the set. With some great volleyball from our side, we managed to turn things around and win the second set with the same score as Rig did in the first set, 25-18.
Now both teams were again on the same line, both teams lost and won one set, so everyone was up for a thrilling third set. And so it was… Both teams played really well and there were a lot of beautiful rallies. Even though we had a big lead halfway during the set, Rig managed to make a comeback and win the thrilling third set 23-25.
In the fourth set we were on the winning side again. This time it was Fredrik who had a great series of serves and managed to get us in the lead. This time we reduced the amount of personal mistakes and won the fourth set 25-20. So we were in for a tiebreaking set to determine the winner of this match.
The last set again showed some high-level volleyball. Unfortunately, Rig managed to score more points. And as we all know, if you score more points in a volleyball game, you win. So Rig won the fifth set 11-15.
Even though we lost the game, we were glad that we could show some great volleyball against a great opponent. We have now managed to get points for the last 5 games in a row, which is in my opinion is a great performance in the first season in Division 1. So hopefully we can keep it going! Honorable mention to Alex, who made his debut in Division 1 and scored some great points (including an awesome headshot hitting the ceiling)!

MVP of the game: Fredrik Joabsson

Fredrik played a great game: hard spikes in difficult situations, a really good series of serves in the fourth set and a lot of blocks helped us a lot during the game!

A few words from coach Roy Andersson about the game: “Igen en stabil insats av killarna. Att vi förlorade matchen spelar egentligen ingen större roll. Det viktiga är att vi spelade bra volleyboll mot ett riktigt bra och skolat lag och alla tyckte det var riktigt kul! Alla gjorde en bra insats, men jag måste ändå lyfta fram lagets MVP – Fredrik Joabsson, 45 år och mer än dubbelt så gammal som undomarna från RIG. Han dominerade både block och anfall förutom sina vassa servar och en och annan försvarsräddning – gammal är äldst!”

Matchreferat på RIGs hemsida




We hope to see you all at our next home game on Saturday the 2nd of December at 14:00 in Fäladshallen C against Göteborg United VBK!
2-3 LUND!
/Marijn Kalter